Thank you for your interest in my campaign. First, let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Eric Parker. I am a husband, a father, and a very proud working-class Idahoan. I am running for the State Senate here in Idaho, District 26, serving Blaine, Jerome, and Lincoln counties.

I grew up in a military family, moving around a lot as a child. I have seen many places, but I fell in love with Idahos natural beauty and atmosphere. When I became a father, I knew that Idaho was where I wanted to raise my children. It is very important to me to keep Idaho the State I fell in love with for my children.

In 2018, I founded a statewide not-for-profit organization with over two thousand members. Our organization’s motto is neighbors helping neighbors.

When Covid-19 first struck our State we organized our volunteers across the state to donate food and personal protective equipment to the community and first responders. We moved thousands of pounds of potatoes all over our State, from our generous farmers who could not sell them to the communities full of people who needed them.

Our volunteers also work in the capitol every session. They have been consulted by numerous legislators as Constitutional advisors. We voluntarily review proposed legislation for due process violations, weak wording, and anything else that would or could infringe on Idaho or U.S. Constitution.

To me, this kind of citizen involvement in the legislative process is how we defend Idaho, especially from out-of-state interests and their influence. I am running because I believe that we need a representative in the Senate that is not afraid to challenge the old guard and think outside the box. We need someone willing to address the many issues developing around us today from destructive Covid-19 policies, Water rights, to Protecting our land. If you would like to hear more about my platform you can contact me or volunteer to help.

It has been a very long time since District 26 has had conservative representation at the Statehouse in Boise. I believe I can accomplish more for our District by working with, not against, the majority party. I understand the struggles that everyday Idahoans face, both Democrat and Republican, and I will work to address them for all Idahoans.


Eric Parker

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If you are ready for a candidate who will represent ALL of District 26 (Blaine, Jerome, and Lincoln Counties), then let me be your voice in the Idaho Senate.


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